
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Program Anak Angkat & Motivasi UPSR

The weekend of 30th July until 1st August this year will forever be etched in the minds of the 88 participants of students and 9 teachers who attended the programme of ''Anak Angkat and UPSR motivation'' organised by the PSK Unit of SMK Agama Slim River.The three days and two nights programme, held at Kampung Kuak Luar,Pengkalan Hulu,Perak.The objectives of the programme were to instil leadership qualities,improve teamwork among participants,reveal the truth life outside of school to students and most important, to get close relationship between students and the villagers.

All of the students,who are in Form Four this year,were very excited throughout the six-hour minute to the village. Although the journey was so far but it was not boring because we watched movie in the bus.They went there by two bus. Some people were go by teacher's car. Upon arrival,they are celebrated by the villagers of Kampung Kuak Luar and they were be taken as adopted child. All the people over the moon when their name was mention. Then,they were coming adopted parent's home. In the night,the activity is with own family adopted.

The second day of the programme started off with an early morning aerobic session at 8.00 a.m. Some energetic facilitators were conduct us and the students of years 5 and 6 for the session. The early morning exercise was invigorating and refreshing. Then,we were be separated into two group;group A and group B.Group A took for UPSR motivation programme because all of them were returned from PRODIGY Camp so, they must practise back all knowledge that they got there to the children.While group B helped villagers for ''gotong-royong memasak''. In the noon,we lunch together. The UPSR motivation end at 5.00 p.m. Group B end the activities around 3.00 p.m after cleaned up the place after lunch.After solat Zuhur,we were from group B returned to home.

In the evening at 5.00 p.m,we visited one of the oldest ''sekolah pondok'' in Malaysia.They live in poor life but,we were so impressive with their spirit to study. The interesting fact is only one or two students at there wearing spectacles although they study under candle light.At 6.00 p.m.boys student played football with the village's teenagers in battle. The result is our school won the match 2-0.The first goal scored by Azrul while the second goal scored by Syauqi.The night programme was so benefit;''ceramah Israk Mikraj''. The speaker was interesting because he know how to attract listener attention.The programme ended at 12.00 a.m.

On the final day,we had gotong-royong. Some of boy students gotong-royong at grave. The balance of them helped girl student at the mosque. 15 of girl students helped villagers prepared lunch for all.Then, all students be given time to spend with own family adopted for the last. The parting ceremony started at 3.00 p.m. All of us was so sad and cry. We returned to school at 6.00 p.m and reached at 11.30 p.m. We were so enjoy the holiday although tired.

Reported by,

Ir Syauqi

1 comment:

Puteri NaQiah said...

nice blog...i like ur background!!!=)